I need some help writing a policy concerning physicians taking patients’ records home to work on. Suggestions?
Question: I need some help writing a policy concerning physicians taking patients’ records home to work on. Suggestions?
Answer: I think you make this part of your privacy policy, as referred to in the HIPAA privacy rights statement that new patients sign. If that policy promises to keep charts safe, you should spell out how you’ll do it. If I were writing such a policy, I’d include:
Really, if I had my druthers, I’d tell physicians that if they want to work at home, they should invest in a secure, Web-based EMR. There are just too many risks to patient privacy and too much inefficiency involved in lugging around paper charts.
Asset Protection and Financial Planning
December 6th 2021Asset protection attorney and regular Physicians Practice contributor Ike Devji and Anthony Williams, an investment advisor representative and the founder and president of Mosaic Financial Associates, discuss the impact of COVID-19 on high-earner assets and financial planning, impending tax changes, common asset protection and wealth preservation mistakes high earners make, and more.