Ambient clinical intelligence: Better than a scribe and less expensive
It's like having a scribe in the room with the patient who knows what goes in the medical record.
Calling patients at their home
Neil Baum, MD, gives some tips on negotiating in your practice
Physical inactivity: Another epidemic
We can make physical activity a vital sign like blood pressure, weight, and pulse by regularly screening patients for inactivity and providing inactive patients with resources to promote physical activity.
Successful post-merger integrations
Conducting post-merger integration at a high speed is one of the most critical elements to a deal’s success.
Nailing negotiations at your practice
The doctor’s handshake: Your first and often your last impression on your patient
Since we use the handshake so often in our daily activities and it is so important, it may be helpful to revisit this important aspect of doctor-patient interaction.
Key components of the HHS Security Rule NPRM
The long anticipated HIPAA Security Rule Notice of Proposed Rule Making strives to strengthen electronic protected health information cybersecurity.
Using an AI prompt generator
Neil Baum, MD, walks through how to use AI prompt generators in your practice.
Lincoln's lessons for physicians on leadership
Physician leaders who adopt these four principles can improve the workplace environment and patient care.
Hiring a marketing consultant for your practice
Explore why hiring a marketing consultant for your practice can be beneficial and provide practical steps for finding and vetting the right candidate or agency.
Patient acquisition costs
Neil Baum, MD, walks through how you can optimize how much you're spending to acquire patients.
Making your website compliant for patients with disabilities
This is the best way to see that your website is continually up-to-date and complies with the ever-evolving ADA regulations and guidelines.
Overcoming the burnout blahs
Neil Baum, MD, walks through how to overcome the burnout blahs in your practice.
3 recent HIPAA enforcement actions.
“Cybersecurity is patient safety” and the continued downstream implications for the use of PHI for other unlawful purposes including insurance fraud and predatory practices targeted at minors are significant.
Promise keepers: New Year’s resolutions that last
Selecting a resolution is best when you find one which you believe will give you the greatest happiness and enjoyment.
Top stories 2024: Understanding Management Services Organizations (MSOs)
While MSOs can provide resources and administrative support for practices, it is critical to understand different contract provisions.
Messy moments: Handling hostility
Handling hostility, so those difficult ones (and everyone else) wants to work with you.
Using the laws of physics to enhance your practice
We need to think outside the box and identify more than one solution to find the best solution to problems in the practice.
It's that time of year... again
While the public rages at payers, it's important not to forget Congress' role in the current state of health care.
Physicians Practice digital edition: Payer relationships
Your monthly collection of insights from the Physicians Practice Pearls writers is available now!
Staffing shortages: Time to consider a virtual assistant
Staffing shortages are impacting patient care, straining doctors, nurses, technicians, and other essential staff.
Contact centers: What you need to know
Five key best practices that health care contact centers can adopt to optimize their operations and improve the patient experience.
The season of gratitude extends beyond Thanksgiving
Gratitude, if it is genuine, can organically lead to greater reimbursement.
Social epidemics and the role of physicians
Burnout and social media toxicity are ravaging the public, but doctors can help.
Epidemics then and now: Managing loneliness, burnout, and social media toxicity
Loneliness can have a negative effect on patient health, here's how to spot it and help.
Are you working on a 2025 strategy?
While analyzing the competition is an essential component of your strategy, most medical practices don't conduct this type of analysis systematically enough.
Physicians Practice digital edition: Best states to practice
Messy Moments: Dial down the drama
De-escalating situations and emotions can settle disagreements between staff members.
DOJ’s corporate compliance program evaluation gets a facelift
An effective compliance program can and does mitigate liability, so it's important to stay abreast of regulatory changes.
Reaching patients through video
How practices can use videos to enhance patient education, improve compliance, and increase practice efficiency.