11 tips for retaining great staff
Neil Baum, MD, gives some tips for retaining the good staff you already have.
Calling patients at their home
Neil Baum, MD, gives some tips on when to call patients at home.
MGMA's Washington update 2025
Anders Gilberg, senior vice president for government affairs at MGMA, walks through where things stand in Washington D.C.
MGMA's advocacy wishlist part 2
Anders Gilberg, senior vice president for government affairs at MGMA, discusses what else the organization and their political partners are going to try and get passed.
MGMA's advocacy wishlist part 1
Anders Gilberg, senior vice president for government affairs at MGMA, discusses what the organization and their political partners are going to focus their efforts on this year.
Overcoming the Musk veto
Anders Gilberg, senior vice president for government affairs at MGMA, discusses how the organization will approach working with Congress with the added wrinkle of the outsized influence of the world's richest man.
Nailing negotiations at your practice
Neil Baum, MD, gives some tips on negotiating in your practice
Where the last Congress fell short
Anders Gilberg, senior vice president for government affairs at MGMA, discusses the unfinished business from the last Congress and the negative impact it is having on physicians now.
Preparing for Trump's HHS nominees
Anders Gilberg, senior vice president for government affairs at MGMA, discusses how the organization looks to approach some of the personalities being named to lead roles at HHS.
The state of play in the capitol
Anders Gilberg, senior vice president for government affairs at MGMA, walks us through where things stand in Washington D.C. days after the second Trump administration took power.
Using an AI prompt generator
Neil Baum, MD, walks through how to use AI prompt generators in your practice.
Patient acquisition costs
Neil Baum, MD, walks through how you can optimize how much you're spending to acquire patients.
Overcoming the burnout blahs
Neil Baum, MD, walks through how to overcome the burnout blahs in your practice.
Bringing people together for strategic planning
Stephen A. Dickens, vice president at SVMIC, explains how to approach bringing different stakeholders together to develop a strategic plan and what the most common challenges are in reaching a consensus.
Emerging trends in medical practice security
Ashkan Nikou, head of security at Bluegrass Orthopaedic, describes some of the emerging trends in health care facility security.
How to minimize your malpractice risk
Jennifer Wiggins, CEO of Aegis Malpractice Solutions, discusses how to minimize your practice's malpractice risk using the AVOID method.
Making sure your strategic plan stays flexible
Stephen A. Dickens, vice president at SVMIC, explains how to ensure that the strategic planning process remains flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen changes in the healthcare landscape.
Security advice for smaller medical practices
Ashkan Nikou, head of security at Bluegrass Orthopaedic, explains how leaders at smaller, resource-limited practices can still keep patients and staff safe.
What were the most common triggers for malpractice claims in the past year?
Jennifer Wiggins, CEO of Aegis Malpractice Solutions, walks us through some of the most common triggers for claims in the last year and how they match up with years past.
What are you looking forward to at the 2024 Tri-State Healthcare Leaders Conference?
Session leaders for this year's show share what they are looking forward to at the 2024 Tri-State Healthcare Leaders Conference.
What are the key elements of a successful strategic plan?
Stephen A. Dickens, vice president at SVMIC, explains what elements are necessary to create a strategic plan for health care organizations.
Fostering a culture of safety among staff
Ashkan Nikou, head of security at Bluegrass Orthopaedic, explains how practice leaders can foster a culture of safety among staff members.
Learn solution-oriented strategies and interventions based on the claims data trends
Dana Siegal, Vice President of Risk Management and Analytics at Coverys, discusses using data to identifying high-risk areas for malpractice.
Uncover data-driven insights to enhance patient safety and reduce risks
Dana Siegal, Vice President of Risk Management and Analytics at Coverys, discusses solution oriented strategies that health care providers can use to reduce errors and malpractice claims.
Why is it important to stay abreast of changes in malpractice trends?
Jennifer Wiggins, CEO of Aegis Malpractice Solutions, walks us through why it is important for practice managers to stay abreast of malpractice trends.
Cybersecurity isn't going anywhere
The threat of cyberattack is ever-present, so practices can't afford to let up on their security footing.
When to update your practice's cybersecurity plans
When should you examine your organization's cybersecurity footing to ensure you stay ahead of the threat of hackers.
Keeping your practice's cybersecurity plans up-to-date and effective
How to make sure your practice's cybersecurity plans are enough to keep your patients' data is safe from hackers.
Which facilities are hackers targeting?
What types of health care facilities are most targeted by hackers?
Why is medical information so valuable to hackers?
Why are hackers so motivated to gain access to medical data?