The 10 best states for physician cost of living 2023
Which states have the lowest cost of living?
The 11 worst states for physician cost of living 2023
Which states have the highest cost of living?
2023 Physicians Practice best states to practice
The definitive ranking of which states are best for physicians.
2023 Physicians Practice best 10 states to practice
Finally the top 10 best states to practice medicine.
The 8 best states to practice for quality of life
The eight states that ranked highest in our quality of life metric.
2023 Physicians Practice best states to practice: 20-11
Our penultimate ranking of the best states to practice medicine.
The 11 worst states to practice for quality of life
The 11 states that ranked lowest in our quality of life metric.
7 Best states to practice for physician density
These states could probably use some more doctors.
9 Worst states to practice for physician density
Which states have the highest physicians per capita?
2023 Physicians Practice best states to practice: 30-21
We're halfway through our countdown of the best states for physicians.
The 10 best states for physician taxes 2023
Which states have the lowest taxes?
The 12 worst states for physician taxes 2023
Which states have the highest taxes?
2023 Physicians Practice best states to practice: 40-31
The definitive ranking of which states are best for physicians continues.
Best States to Practice 2023: How we got our results
The method behind our definitive list of the best states for practicing medicine.
2023 Physicians Practice best states to practice: 50-41
The complete Physicians Practice definitive best states for doctors 2022
The full rankings of all 50 states.
Physicians Practice definitive 10 best states for doctors 2022
Finally the definitive top 10 best states to practice medicine.
2022 Physicians Practice definitive best states for doctors: 20-11
10 States with the lowest average malpractice insurance premiums
The second half of our malpractice insurance premium rankings.
11 States with the highest average malpractice insurance premiums
Which states have the highest average malpractice premium rates?
2022 Physicians Practice definitive best states for doctors: 30-21
9 States with the lowest physician density
7 States with the most physicians 2022
2022 Physicians Practice definitive best states for doctors: 40-31
The 10 best states for physician taxes 2022
The 11 worst states for physician taxes 2022
Best States to Practice 2022: How we got our results
2022 Physicians Practice definitive best states for doctors: 50-41
Best states for physicians in 2021: 5 states with the lowest physician salaries
Physicians in these five states made the lowest, on average, compared to their peers.
Best states for physicians in 2021: 5 states with the highest physician salaries
Physicians in these five states made the highest, on average, compared to their peers.