A practice breakup should be a last resort. Try these techniques first.
Divorce mistakes can adversely affect the physician and his or her medical practice
For most physicians, EHRs are no longer optional. Even though they are challenging, EHRs are not impossible to use.
The COVID-19 pandemic has proved a stress test and boost for telemedicine adoption.
Finding and retaining qualified office staff can be challenging for physician practices
Unfortunately for physicians, payers continue to demand prior authorization for more care items.
Despite advantages to private practice, fewer physicians are choosing to open their own practice than ever before.
With time and creativity, the process is not as onerous as it may seem.
In a time of healthcare system distress, there are things practices can do to ensure financial stability.
Innovative technologies are allowing staff to focus more on patient-facing, strategic activities and improve overall patient satisfaction.
Tips for avoiding adverse drug events in elderly and chronically ill populations.
Patients now expect rapid healthcare productivity and connections.
The pandemic has made telemedicine a necessity, rather than an option.
Harnessing these new digital tools can help your practice grow.
The lack of useful claims data from payers can present a major stumbling block to taking on medical management and risk. Practices can get the information they need with a health analytics partner.
Program focuses on improving quality and reducing cost, while maintaining patient choice.
Consider education and experience when hiring nurses for your practice.
CMS rules to simplify E/M coding and reemphasize patient narrative.
Self-insuring sees increased incentive following increased malpractice claim severity.
Factors including consolidation and monetary desensitization are to blame.
Physician practices should consider these five major categories of capabilities to examine in any telehealth solution.
Plus: 6 ways to ensure quality in security compliance certifications
Exponential healthcare data growth increases the chances of earlier rare disease diagnosis and treatment.
How changes to basic processes in your practice can have a positive impact.
What you need to know to make your practice cyber-resilient.
Involvement in change efforts can help reduce gender biases and discrimination.
If the physician is the captain of a patient’s care, then a fully automated pharmacy is key to running a very tight ship.
Clinicians must assume business leadership roles to create a better patient-centered health future.