How modern technology can help with understaffing.
How physician practices can avoid a power outage
Whether caused by harsh weather events, mandated rolling black or brown-outs or an unreliable grid — power outages cause tremendous strain to a practice.
Ep. 51: Ransomware gangs with Ferhat Dikbiyik, of Black Kite
Ferhat Dikbiyik, chief research and intelligence officer at Black Kite, talks cybersecurity and the evolving threat of ransomware gangs.
Practice tip of the week: Improving virtual bedside manner
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
Ep. 50: Direct primary care with Maryal Concepcion, MD, FAAFP
Maryal Concepcion, MD, FAAFP, the owner and CEO of Big Trees MD, shares her experience with direct primary care.
Successful post-merger integrations
Conducting post-merger integration at a high speed is one of the most critical elements to a deal’s success.
The doctor’s handshake: Your first and often your last impression on your patient
Since we use the handshake so often in our daily activities and it is so important, it may be helpful to revisit this important aspect of doctor-patient interaction.