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Practice tip of the week: The eight tech products every physician should have


Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.

With all the useful information available on Physicians Practice, it is easy to become overwhelmed.

With this in mind, the tip of the week is a chance to reflect on some of the wisdom found all across the site. In a December 2021 story on eight tech products every physician should have, Colin Zhu, DO, writes the following:

1). Digital stethoscope - This small yet highly powerful device allows doctors to hear from earplugs and headphones. With its plug-and-play features, you can also connect it to your computer, smartphone or tablet and have any data uploaded to the patient's medical record.

2). Pepid - If you can't put your finger on a certain diagnosis, this app allows you to input the symptoms and gives you a list of possible disorders. Its features also include access to CME credits, a diagnosis generator, dosing calculators, and many more.

3). Picktime - This cloud-based scheduling software allows you to access the appointments across different devices. The staff can easily send booking links, give reminders, or provide an option to reschedule with the patients.

Check out the article for the rest of the tips. Be sure to come back next week for another Tip of the Week!

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