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What Do You Think of 'Choosing Wisely'?


The effort to stop physicians from doing too much medical testing is ramping up. What do you think?

The effort to stop physicians from doing too much medical testing is ramping up among regulators, insurers, and physician groups, Practice Notes blogger Marisa Torrieri wrote in a recent blog.

She points out that nine physician organizations representing 374,000 physicians launched a new “Choosing Wisely” campaign to bring to light some of most common tests ordered by physicians that are often medically unnecessary, financially overused, and potentially dangerous to patients.

Daniel Wolfson, executive VP and COO of the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation, the blanket organization overseeing the campaign, told Physicians Practice, “We’ve been in discussion with the specialty societies about joining the campaign for one year. There is a general problem of overuse, and ordering tests and procedures that aren’t necessary in most cases.”

But in a recent blog appearing on KevinMD, physician Mike Sevilla took issue with the campaign. One reason, he wrote, is that it “will further embolden insurance companies (including Medicare/Medicaid) to raise the bar and make testing and treatment more difficult for me to adequately treat my patients.”

And he added that he has serious doubts that the campaign will really change the behavior of physicians and patients.




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