
Finding a Consultant to Help with EHR Selection, Implementation


Struggling to find and implement the right EHR for your practice? Maybe it's time for some help.

Changing over to the world of EHR is going to be a part of your future, and you are about to miss the most financially responsible time to do so. I cringe every time I visit an office that is still toting around patient charts, hand scribbling on paper super bills, and writing barely legible (you know they are) prescriptions.

Some of the most common excuses:
1. I don’t have time to research the best products out there.
2. I am not tech savvy.
3. Implementation will be a nightmare.
4. There isn’t one that meets all of my needs.
5. It costs too much.

So what are you waiting for? With all of the options out there, you can get on the EHR bandwagon for next to nothing, and if you are willing to ask for some assistance, a third party consultant can come in and be the liaison between you and adamant sales representatives and take almost all of the burden off of you and your busy staff.

Here are some of the ways a consultant can help you get your EHR picked out and implemented seamlessly.

1. You and your office can meet with a single person, at a single time, and give them your list of wants, needs, concerns, and special considerations.

2. Your consultant can contact and sort through the 100s of EHR companies out there and determine a concise list that serves your needs and specialty most appropriately. Your consultant can even handle all of the necessary preliminary software demos and meetings single handedly.

3. Consultants will arrange for you to view and choose from a minimal list of companies/systems.

4. A consultant will stay by your side and negotiate pricing, warranty, tech support, and arrange implementation and assist you and your staff in getting everything started and converted.

5. Have I mentioned one point of contact instead of 2 to 3 per company you speak with?

6. Consultants provide assistance in implementation. They will hold your hand (or your nurse's hand) until you are ready to take the training wheels off.

What are you waiting for? All you need to do is have two or three meetings and implement the new system and you already know this is the most fiscally responsible time to act (think your 179 tax deduction). Then jump on in with both feet, find a third party consultant that specializes in EHRs, and let them get you on the road to compliance and the age of technology. You will save countless hours and dollars and take advantage of some major tax savings.

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