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How to make good use of time


Time is the currency of our careers and our lives. Here are four ways to use it wisely.


Consider the big picture of your career and your life. What is the most precious element that of which you cannot make more?

You guessed it: it’s time-the currency of our careers and our lives. Here are four ways to use it wisely:

1) Identify tasks that you do not need to do because someone else can handle them.

At work, this is called delegation. In your personal life, this could involve hiring part-time help. Whether it’s assembling items, undertaking basic research at work, or mowing the grass or maintaining the yard at home, it’s can be to your benefit to have someone else help out.  

The above is true even if you spend your own dollars for domestic tasks. Why? You’ll hardly miss the money over time, but you’ll be able to effectively “extend your life” because your time will not be tied up in the tasks you do not need to personally handle.

2) Recognize that many of your behaviors and habits can drain time.

Do you scroll on your phone for an extra five or 10 minutes before going to bed or before starting your day? How long do you spend hunting for a show or movie that looks interesting? Examine your behaviors that are not all that rewarding because of how they infringe upon your time in the long run.

3) Assemble the resources you need to effectively complete the tasks you need to personally handle.

If you’ve been contemplating whether or not to buy a particular device and the cash outlay is not significant, it probably makes sense for you to go ahead and acquire the device. 


4) Assess yourself.

What habits, past times, rituals, and behaviors can you abandon forever, knowing that they do not serve you well? I have dropped watching many sports on TV because I realized the payoff is insufficient for the time invested. I’m not saying to abandon the things that bring you enjoyment, but with all the interests that we pursue over the years, at least a number of activities can safely be dropped. I’ve done it, you can do it, and you can immediately benefit.

Jeff Davidson is "The Work-Life Balance Expert®" and a thought leader on work-life balance issues. He speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the work-life balance of their people. Visit for more information.

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