Here are six basic requirements to meet incident-to guidelines and get properly reimbursed for your care.
Editor’s note: As we close out the calendar year, we wanted to revisit some of the best stories we’ve published this year both to remember our triumphs, but also as inspiration to take your practice to the next level in the new year.
Employing non-physician practitioners (physician assistants, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, etc.) is an effective way to increase productivity in a physician office. However, under Medicare rules, covered services provided by non-physician practitioners (NPPs) are reimbursed at a reduced rate (85 percent of the fee schedule amount).
The “incident-to” billing rules provide an exception, allowing 100 percent reimbursement for non-physician services that meet the requirements detailed in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15, Section 60 (Services and Supplies Furnished Incident To a Physician’s/NPP’s Professional Service).
There are six basic requirements to meet the incident-to guidelines for Medicare payment, check out the slideshow above for the tips.
Services meeting all of the above requirements may be billed under the supervising physician’s NPI, as if the physician personally performed the service. Documentation should detail who performed the service, and that a supervising physician was in the office suite (although not necessarily the same room), at the time of the service.
Remember: Incident to applies only to Medicare. Further, the requirements do not apply to services with their own benefit category. Diagnostic tests, for example, are subject to their own coverage requirements. “Depending on the particular tests,” the Benefit Policy Manual explains, “the supervision requirement for diagnostic tests or other services may be more or less stringent than supervision requirements for services and supplies furnished incident to physician’s or other practitioner’s services.”
Similarly, pneumococcal, influenza, and hepatitis B vaccines do not need to meet incident to requirements. MLN Matters Number: SE0441 elaborates:
Must a supervising physician be physically present when flu shots, EKGs, Laboratory tests, or X-rays are performed in an office setting in order to be billed as “incident to” services?
These services have their own statutory benefit categories and are subject to the rules applicable to their specific category. They are not “incident to” services and the “incident to” rules do not apply.
Additional rules apply for incident to physician’s services in clinic, and services incident to a physician’s service to homebound patients under general physician supervision. These can be found in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15, Section 60.
For more information, see also MLN Matters Number: SE0441.