Physicians: Negotiate your rates. Hold the payers accountable.
Regulatory violations can lead to substantial fines which severely impact a practice’s financial stability.
Mutual respect is the cornerstone of a culture of patient safety.
Keep on eye on these areas to avoid major financial and professional consequences.
For many Federally Qualified Health Centers telehealth services have been crucial to being able to continue to provide care during this time.
Over-treatment or low-value care represents approximately $75 to $100 billion in wasteful spending annually.
Here are some tips for starting your own practice and setting yourself — and your patients — up for success from the get-go.
Recently finalized changes to the Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol for physician practices to disclose group practice noncompliance under the Stark Law.
Primary care is inefficient, inconvenient, and often inaccessible, optimized neither for patient experience nor positive outcomes.
Create a plan to drive patient access, action, and adherence.
When it comes to certain AI-generated solutions, science fiction has become science now.
The two companies will provide consumers with a platform where they can compare drug prices.
Operating a profitable medical practice is perhaps more challenging than ever.
New legislation, as well as changes in patient expectations, present a host of challenges and opportunities for getting paid for service this year.
Despite skepticism, AI symptom checkers improve healthcare.
Why state efforts to improve health equity matter.
The two companies announced the expansion of their work together, and a few hospitals are already using a new solution involving artificial intelligence.
Large verdicts are becoming more common, putting pressure on insurers to raise rates.
The impact of behavioral biases on health care business decisions.
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
In the wake of COVID-19, healthcare organizations are scrambling to not only protect their patients' lives, but their data and privacy as well.
Positioning yourself and your practice for a smooth transition takes time and thoughtful planning.
Utilizing a resilience training program in times of high stress that integrates leading intervention strategies can harness the brain’s complex ability to change its response to stressors, to recover more quickly from stress, and to build resilience.
Trends in medical audits and what physicians can expect.
Manual coding is slow, inaccurate, and cost inflexible.