ICD-10: Why You Shouldn't Wait
It's understandable that you'd want to avoid thinking about transitioning to the coming ICD-10 code set. But the longer you wait to start, the tougher it will be to make the switch, and the more likely you are to lose money. Here's what you need to know to avoid claims denials and ensure a smooth conversion.
How Your Medical Practice Can Avoid ICD-10 PitfallsTransitioning to ICD-10 presents big challenges, so turn to technology to ease your coding woes.
Planning for ICD-10 Conversion The path to ICD-10 conversion can seem like climbing to the other side of a very high mountain, but don't let that stop you from building a plan now.
Coding questions? We've got the answers, in July/August's journal:
Student examinations; Time-based coding changes.
Solving Your 9 Biggest Billing Blunders
Coding is hard. It's tedious. It's not why you went to medical school. Yet it is how you get paid for the services you perform, and the fact is that many physicians aren't very good at it. So here are the 9 coding blunders that the experts see over and over and how to fix them.
Medicare's Annual Wellness Visit
Have 4 minutes? Our video primer gives you the latest on coding for this new, annual event that is likely to impact your practice.
Preparing for the ICD-10 Transition
Advance preparation is your key to successfully managing this major upcoming change. Here's what your practice needs to know and do to get ready.
Modifiers Explained
Are you getting paid everything you should be? Not if you're not using code modifiers properly. Here's how to use these code add-ons correctly to help you get paid what you deserve.
Quality Data Codes
QDC codes themselves carry no payment for a claim. However, using the codes correctly may result in a bonus payment from Medicare, and not reporting them successfully will result in a penalty.
Preparing an Advanced Beneficiary Notice
An ABN is a written communication given to a Medicare beneficiary by a physician prior to providing a service that is expected to be denied by Medicare Part B.
Related stories from our Practice Notes blog:
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Improve EHR Systems by Rethinking Medical Billing
The Consequences of Not Already Being 5010-Ready
Two Steps to Simplify ICD-10 Transition at Your Medical Practice
The Lifecycle of a Medical Claim: Identifying Practice Problems
Medical Coding’s Intent is Sometimes Lost in Translation
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Audits: Why They Happen and What Your Medical Practice Should Do
Seven Reasons to Be Very Nervous About Your Cash Flow
CMS Delays 5010 Enforcement Another Three Months
How the ICD-10 Delay is Impacting Physician Practices
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