Prescribing is, of course, something we do every day. Much of it becomes second nature, but we must stay cognizant of the potential for error.
How many times have your patients remarked, “But doctor, aren’t these drugs dangerous?” while you write out a script? And then you patiently explain that yes, drugs are inherently dangerous -- which is why they’re not on the grocery shelf next to the peanut butter -- but that you went to medical school so you could properly dope out all the complexities, including: the brand/generic drug name, available dosing, means of delivery, correct dosing, potential interactions, contraindications, and side effects.
Prescribing is, of course, something we do every day. Much of it becomes second nature, but we must stay cognizant of the potential for error.
Sounds like a job for a computer.
It makes sense to use computers to help with prescribing, as computers are adept at organizing and cataloging information.
There are two main options when considering computerized prescribing:
On the downside, there is no way to check the formulary status of a particular drug, and certain narcotics prescriptions must still be hand-carried to the pharmacy.
Narcotics prescriptions must still be printed out or handwritten, at present. However, e-prescribing virtually eliminates the possibility of forgeries, so it may not be too long before legal statutes catch up with technology.
If you have an EMR and want to start faxing prescriptions or e-prescribing, you should contact your EMR vendor and see what options are available; many have add-on software available that seamlessly integrates with your present system. Make sure you check into your state laws regarding the transmission of prescriptions, as they can affect how you must use these tools.
If you don’t have an EMR and want to start e-prescribing, contact several vendors offering e-prescribing products. One good place to start your research and find impartial information on this topic is the HIMSS Web site.
Either way, you’ll have happier patients and you’ll be offering better care. Happy e-prescribing!
Robert Lamberts, MD, is a primary care physician with Evans Medical Group, in Evans, Georgia. He is board certified in internal medicine and pediatrics and specializes in the care of adults, pediatrics, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, preventative medicine, attention deficit disorder and emotional/behavior disorders. Dr. Lamberts serves on multiple committees at several national organizations for the promotion of computerized health records, for which he is a recognized national speaker. He can be reached at