How Small Medical Practices Can Survive Change
Healthcare continues to evolve, so in order for small medical practices to survive, physician owners and administrators need to embrace new roles.
Major Trends in Medical Practice Staffing
The advent of team-based healthcare means a more coordinated approach to seeing patients. It also means different staffing roles and ratios.
How Small Practices Can Prepare for Value-Based Care
Changes to physician compensation are looming, so now is the time for small practices to start focusing on value. Here's how.
2015 Great American Physician Survey: Key Findings
We surveyed 1,001 physicians as part of our annual Great American Physician Survey, Sponsored by Kareo. This video includes key findings of the survey.
Test Your Medical Claims Knowledge
Take a quiz on CPT codes, denials, CARCs, and other medical claims information, using data from the first quarter of 2015 provided by RemitDATA.
How to Attract Patients to Your Blog or Website
Drawing patients to your blog, website, or social media pages starts with having the right content. Here's what to write about.
The One Thing that Most Improves Patient Satisfaction
So many physicians are working hard to improve patient satisfaction. Here's the one the one thing they can do to make the most positive impact.
2015 Medical Practice Staff Salary Survey: Key Findings
Our seventh annual Staff Salary Survey collected data from nearly 1,100 practices nationwide. Here are some key data points every practice should know.
Three Payer Contract Negotiation Strategies
Have an upcoming contract negotiation with a payer? Let Marcia Brauchler give you three key strategies before you sit down at the table.
What Physicians Should Know: 7 Retail Clinic Statistics
Watch this three-minute video to gain a better understanding of how retail-based medical clinics are evolving and how patients are reacting to them.
Five Simple But Effective Ways to Boost Patient Satisfaction
Are you doing all you can to keep patients happy and healthy at your medical practice? Here are some simple, but effective, tips.
How to Start Using Social Media at Your Medical Practice
Want to get more involved in social media at your medical practice but not sure where or how to start? Here's some guidance.
How to React to Angry Patients
Handling a confrontation with an angry patient is critical to malpractice risk management. Here are five tips handle difficult encounters appropriately.
Understanding Bundled Payments
Seen as a prime solution to reducing healthcare costs, bundled payments are on the rise. Here's how to know if they are right for your physicians and practice.
The Value of Bundled Payments to Surgical Practices
Bundled payments present "significant opportunities" to surgical practices, according to consultant Jamaal Campbell. Here's why.
Medical Billing and Collections Quiz
Test your patient collections knowledge with our interactive quiz, featuring claims and denial data from RemitDATA from the fourth quarter of 2014.
Improving Your Practice's Financial Performance
Revenue cycle management can be the key to boosting the financial performance of small medical practices. Here's how.
Four Ways to Reduce Diabetes Care Malpractice Risks
Diabetes care can raise some unique malpractice risks. Watch this 60-second video to learn what steps your practice should be taking to reduce the risks.
ICD-10 Preparation: 3 Tips for Early 2015
With the ICD-10 transition on the horizon, medical practices need to start preparing. Here are three tips to start with when the calendar flips to 2015.
Health Insurance Exchanges and Your Practice
Anders Gilberg of the MGMA discusses your practice's obligation to accept federal or state exchange plans and how to manage them properly.
Two Keys to Small Medical Practice Survival
Looking for longevity as a medical practice? Joshua Halverson of ECG Management Consultants offers tips on survival and how to increase your practice's value.
How Physicians Can Improve Relations with Managers
Here are three tips to how physicians can improve relationships with their practice management teams from expert Charlie Hauck.
Understanding Medicare Value-based Payment Models
2015 is a crucial year to prove cost and quality as a Medicare provider. Here's what you need to know to avoid financial penalties down the line.
Compliance Plans and Your Medical Practice
Marcia Brauchler of Physicians' Ally offers tips on creating compliance plans to protect your medical practice.
Meaningful Use Attestation: Avoiding Penalties
The turn of the calendar to 2015 means year-long reporting of meaningful use under CMS' EHR Incentive Programs. Here's how to prepare.
Meaningful Use Attestation: Last Chance for Payments
The last quarter of 2014 is the last chance for eligible professionals to get meaningful use incentive payments. Here's how to ensure you attest properly.
HIPAA and Patient Interactions
Robert M. Tennant of the MGMA explores how to keep patient interactions at your medical practice HIPAA compliant.
HIPAA's Effect on Medical Practice Work Flow
Robert M. Tennant of the MGMA looks at the effect HIPAA is playing on the daily work flow at medical practices nationwide.
How HIPAA Is Affecting Medical Practice Health IT
Robert M. Tennant of the MGMA looks at the effect HIPAA is playing on the use of health IT at medical practices.
The Future of Accountable Care Organizations
Anders M. Gilberg of the MGMA provides his views on whether accountable care organizations are a sustainable healthcare model.