
Jack Towarnicky


No Surprise Act – The best compliant, strategic approach for employer-sponsored health plan administrators

Transparency is expected to add to medical cost inflation by prompting both in-network and out-of-network providers to increase charges.

Dan Martin, JD
Dan Martin, JD


Government using generative AI, analytics in search for fraud

Here’s what you need to know and do considering the DOJ’s and HHS’s drastically expanded use of digital tools to investigate and prosecute those who work in the field of healthcare, including innocent practices and providers.

Johnny Palares


How to clean your medical office

A clean office is not only necessary for patient health, it's also good for business.

Dan O'Donnel


Making omnichannel work for health care

Health care organizations must make the leap from providing siloed channels of care to putting the consumer in the driver’s seat, with access to a seamless, integrated experience whenever and wherever they need it.

Cindy Dyer


Key Medicare Advantage plan changes practices need to be aware of

Good news on telehealth coding, but lifting of EFRD restrictions will present financial challenges.

Stephen C. Schimpff, MD


You're not abandoning patients: The direct primary care model

While some claim it is unethical for physicians to go the direct-pay route, it actually provides better care to patients.

Keith Borglum, CHBC


A guide to selling your practice

Not every practice has value, nor does every seller try to sell their practice properly.

Ray Mays


Intentional growth plans can avoid loss of revenue, talent, and patients

Ask yourself: What do I want my practice to do for me?

Christopher Michael Clements, MD


Weight loss medications and the need to prioritize patient safety

Recently, demand for medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, or Mounjaro, including their off-label use, has skyrocketed in the wake of enthusiastic celebrity endorsements.

Renee Dowling


2023 Coding medical decision making – Risk

There are new definitions for the risk category.

Jason Sugar, MD


Returning to care in a “Not-Quite-Post Pandemic” world

How will physicians manage the increasing demand as patients return to care without getting burned out in the process?

David J. Goldberg, MD, JD


How to avoid wrongful termination

In the wake of several years of highly publicized domestic abuse scandals, many employers are asking the same question: Can we fire an employee who has committed a crime, such as domestic violence?

Christine Marshall, MD, MBA


Tips for treating deaf patients

September is Deaf Awareness Month, these tips will help patients who are deaf have better medical experiences.

David Davari


Keeping staff safe

What to consider and how to proceed when designing workplace violence prevention programs for healthcare facilities.

Michael Dulin, MD, PhD


How analytics helps at the point of care

Unlock the clinical and operational value of data

Rob Rohatsch, MD


3 core drivers of telemedicine success in a hybrid care delivery ecosystem

Like in any ecosystem, the interplay between functions is paramount to success.

Nicole Penn


How to improve your practice’s online presence post-pandemic

Technical advances born from a year in lockdown have made the tools more widely available than ever before.

Alan Tam


How AI can help improve quality scores

How AI can be used to activate patients to make important wellness appointments, such as cancer screenings.

Marvin Luz, Senior Director, Greenway Revenue Services


Strategies to Reduce Staff and Provider Burnout

Tackling administrative burden in the revenue cycle to streamline tasks and increase efficiencies

Pamela Ballou-Nelson


Showing appreciation to support staff

Employee turnover is always a concern, but in economic times like these it often jumps.

Delany Perl, JD


What you need to know to close your practice

Follow these general guidelines to minimize the effects on your patients

Tom Cowen
Tom Cowen


Ins and outs of telehealth contract management

Since Covid-19 began, telehealth usage has exploded, with approximately 80% of doctors now using the service.

Merideth Wilson


The sexy side of revenue cycle management

Healthcare revenue cycle management is experiencing a revolution with the latest automation and remote work trends.

Andy Kumar


5 VBC adoption habits centering on data

Adopting these habits can make your practice's transition to value-based care easier.

Chuck Lee, MD


Increasing health literacy levels in your patient populations

Physicians Practice® spoke with Chuck Lee, MD, about the complications of low patient health literacy levels and how physicians can improve these levels through communications, partnerships, and outreach.



Virtual connections drive clinical efficiency

How embracing change can help you grow a specialty clinic.

Julie McGuire, RN, MSN


Optimize your EHR now

Even during market disruptions, physicians need to create efficiencies, cut costs, and boost financial stability.

Jori Quinlan


Five tips for maximizing peer review privileges in a physician’s practice

Peer review privileges can apply to multiple credentialing, privileging and quality assurance and improvement processes.

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