January 2nd 2025
Got a patient who's abusing your staff, ignoring your advice, failing to pay his bill? When you realize it just isn't going to work, it's usually best to let the patient go. Here's how to do it correctly.
July 9th 2024
If you let patients know from the start what you expect from them, you’re far more likely to get the money you’re asking for.
February 16th 2023
It takes just one problem or inconvenience to affect the patient’s experience at your practice.
March 18th 2022
Doctors may see more patients, but diagnoses difficult.
October 8th 2021
How to talk with patients about vaccine concerns.
Patient Dismissal: When and How to Do It
Watch our on-demand webinar on patient dismissal - when to do it and how to do it correctly.
How Market Research Can Position Physician Practices to Succeed
Market research is a valuable, and often overlooked, tool to optimize the business of providing healthcare, but only if it is analyzed correctly.
Dealing with Frequently Late Patients
Every medical practice has them - patients who are persistently late for appointments. Here are four tips to turn the tardy into time conscious.
What's holding you back?; Getting patients to pay; Dr. G-Man
Noteworthy items from Physicians Practice
Simple Methods to Reduce No Shows at Your Medical Practice
Here are seven simple things you can do to reduce no-show patients at your medical practice starting today.
Abusive Patient Behavior: Physicians Have 'Rights' Too
Physicians should establish their own Bill of Rights, providing patients with a clear idea of what conduct will not be tolerated and may lead to termination.
The Doctor-Patient Relationship Isn't Always Smooth
I know I can't help every patient, but I try. But sometimes, some patients push me to the brink of frustration when they won't let me help.
Resolving Eligibility Issues at Your Medical Practice
You've seen a patient that you thought had insurance that you accept, but it turns out you don't. What is the best course of action to take?
Dealing with Patient Refunds at Your Practice
Patient refund requests surely come across your desk. Here's how to know when to cut a check and when to hold onto the overpayment temporarily.
Surveys: Patients Coming, Physicians Leaving Due to ACA
With every projection predicting a physician shortage, there may not be much of an upside to the impact of the Affordable Care Act for patients.
How to Help Your Patients Manage Their Medications
Simple strategies to help your patients manage their medications.
Poll of the Week – What Patient Dismissal Dilemmas Do You face?
Physicians avoid dismissing patients for various reasons. What’s your main reason?
Medicare's Annual Wellness Visit: Tips for Your Practice
Don't miss out on easy income. Incorporating Medicare's AWV into your care plan helps both your practice and your patients.
Four Ways to Salvage the Physician-Patient Relationship
Before you decide to terminate a difficult patient - give him the benefit of the doubt and try these techniques to mend the breac
Patient Dismissal: The When, Why, and How
In Defense of Difficult Patients
One woman's declaration of love for her physician shouldn't mean dismissal. Or should it?
Combating Prescription Drug Abuse in Your Practice
Not every patient who abuses prescriptions is just out for a good time or a quick buck. Here's how to recognize prescription-abusers, and what do to do about them.
Physicians' Online Reputations Under Attack from Turned-away Drug Seekers
Savvy prescription drug seekers who are denied by physicians have found a new venue for retaliation - social media.
How to Close Your Medical Practice the Right Way
Whether you've decided to retire, relocate, or retreat from practice, you can reduce the pain for your patients and staff by following these five guidelines.
Sample Patient Dismissal Policy
Practices should work with an attorney to draft a policy for terminating the physician-patient relationship. Here is a sample to get you started.
Sample Patient Dismissal Letter
Use this sample patient dismissal letter if a patient consistently fails to keep appointments, and you are forced to dismiss him from your practice, or for other reasons.
Patient Compliance: Why Must It Be So Hard to Follow Doctors' Orders?
When it comes to patients taking your advice, sometimes it is easy, sometimes it is frustrating, and sometimes, it just won't happen.
Ending the Doctor-Patient Relationship
The practice of medicine does bring with it patient encounters that do not always turn out the way we had expected or were trained for.
Staffing Benchmarks
The best performing practices in the country tend to have more staff than practices doing less well. Why? More support staff means physicians can focus on seeing patients -- and bringing in money. Find out how your staff per physician ratio compares to national benchmarks.
Making a Difference to Patients and Community
Working in a medically underserved community helped me to appreciate my true worth as a physician.
When the Difficult Physician Is You: Let Your Lawyer Do Her Job
I love working with physicians but they don’t always make it easy for those who work with them, whether it’s other physicians, lawyers, or consultants.
How to Reduce No-Show Patients at Your Medical Practice
Many practices fail to appreciate the enormous value of strategic scheduling: a full schedule means a full day of revenue. Because even one missed patient makes a difference, we show you how to stack the deck in your favor.
Online Defamation Can Hurt Your Medical Practice Reputation: Be Prepared
While social media can help a physician's professional reputation grow, the misuse of social media by others can be destructive.
Informed Consent Forms and Controlled Substances: A Checklist
Before prescribing patients controlled substances, most of you require them to sign some sort of informed consent form. Do your forms contain enough information?
Physicians, Patients, and the Internet
Are you competing with Dr. Google? Here's some advice on how to deal.