February 11th 2025
The 2025 Staff Salary Survey reveals the ongoing struggle practices have to maintain adequate staffing levels.
February 10th 2025
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
February 3rd 2025
January 6th 2025
November 27th 2024
Empowering the healthcare workforce is critical to not only improving employee retention and wellbeing, but also to delivering safer patient care.
When One of Your Staff Members Goes Rogue
Before you discipline an employee's behavior, take a step back and see the "why" behind it. It could surprise you.
Nurses Most Ethical Profession, Americans Say
Healthcare providers, nurses specifically, were ranked by Americans as the most trustworthy profession. Congressmen were ranked the least.
Enough with Troubling Laws Governing PAs in Practice
The laws governing physician assistants in practice are downright ridiculous in some states. It's time for PAs to speak up and defend their right to govern themselves.
NPs Getting More Independence Raises Debate
In our recurring blog "Inbox," we share comments from physicians and practice administrators telling us what keeps them awake at night.
How to Streamline Job Interviews at Your Practice
Thinking of adding a new person to your staff or just replacing someone who left? Take these six steps.
Physicians Must Speak Out against Healthcare Challenges
As we look to 2017, physicians and practice owners can't afford to be quiet anymore. They must speak up if they want to improve their situation.
Top Practice Management Tips of 2016
We compiled our readers' favorite practice management articles from the past year reflecting strategies and best practices.
PAs in Dermatology Increase Patient Care, Revenue
Patients of all ages are demanding more dermatology services. Certified PAs are able to treat most patients and perform many procedures.
How Practices Can Celebrate the Holidays
'Tis the season to celebrate the holidays with your staff. Practices must tread carefully, so that no one feels offended or excluded; here are some tips on how to do that.
The VA Giving NPs Practice Independence is a Mistake
One doctor thinks the Department of Veterans Affairs made a huge mistake in giving nurse practitioners independence practice authority.
Nurse Practitioners Granted Practice Independence at VA
The Department of Veterans Affairs granted certain nurse practitioners the authority to treat patients without physician supervision.
Four Tips for Giving Better Feedback to Staff
Most people do not enjoy confrontation, but giving vital feedback to staff is something that you need to do to succeed as a practice.
Staffing Right for Population Health in Small Practices
When engaging in new population health initiatives, ensure your practice is properly allocating its staff and expanding strategically.
Why PAs are Being Used More in Hospitals
Recent research indicates that PAs are an effective resource for hospitals to improve outcomes at a lower cost of care.
Ensure Your Practice's Employee Handbook is not a Contract
A recent case between a hospital and its former employee emphasizes the need for practices to make sure their handbook is not an accidental handbook.
Safety at the Practice Takes on a New Meaning
OSHA recently introduced harsher penalties to employers who are violating workplace safety guidelines. Here's what you have to know.
The Problem with the Hospitalist System
In response to a recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine, one doctor weighs in on the problem he sees with the hospitalist system.
11 Unique Ways to Reward Your Staff for the Holidays
While a monetary bonus is a great way to reward employees for their hard work, it's not always possible. Here are 11 alternatives.
Conquering Overtime the Legal Way at Your Practice
The recent changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) means practices will have to rethink the way they think about employees and overtime.
Getting Cardiovascular Patients to Change their Lifestyle
Patients with cardiovascular disease need simple steps to successfully change lifestyle habits. Certified PAs are equipped with the tools to help.
Insights for Better Staff Retention at Your Practice
Are your staff members coming and going in droves? If turnover is a problem for your practice, here are some bits of wisdom to follow.
NYT Article Says PAs, NPs are Solution to Doc Shortage
An article in The New York Times said what many in medicine have known for years: PAs and NPs can be a solution to the physician shortage.
CMS Names Costliest Drugs in 2015
CMS released a dashboard that revealed the amount of money spent by the agency on specific drugs. Maryland docs reject medical marijuana.
Do You Have to Give Holiday Gifts to Practice Staff?
Are you looking for ways to announce the growth of your practice? Is it necessary to give holiday gifts to your staff?
Staff Performance Plans Done Right
If you want to leverage the potential of your staff and set them up for success, then help each person plan for excellence by a creating unique performance plans.
Low-cost Strategies for Medical Practice Compliance
Medical practice compliance can be challenging, but implementing a basic compliance program can help you avoid violations.
How to Offer Patients an Enhanced Consumer Experience
In today’s consumer-based healthcare market, patients expect personalized, retail-like service along with high quality clinical care.
Making Value-Based Payments Work in Primary Care
One medical practice made the transition to embrace value-based care, but not without achieving some obstacles first. Here’s what it learned.
The Advantages of Adding Scribes, APPs and Medical Students
Looking for ways to increase patient volume at your practice? Scribes, APPs, and medical students are three potential roles to help you out.
Tools to Achieve Effective Physician-Manager Partnerships
Successful medical practices will employ a team model in which physicians supply clinical expertise and everyone partners for better patient outcomes.