February 11th 2025
The 2025 Staff Salary Survey reveals the ongoing struggle practices have to maintain adequate staffing levels.
February 10th 2025
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
February 3rd 2025
January 6th 2025
November 27th 2024
Empowering the healthcare workforce is critical to not only improving employee retention and wellbeing, but also to delivering safer patient care.
Six Ways to Protect Medical Practice Funds from Embezzlement
Here are six basic principles to protect funds coming into a medical practice from embezzlement as well as some red flags to watch.
Maximize Billing Opportunities for the Medicare AWV
Some efficient and coordinated scheduling of the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit can benefit patients and your medical practice.
Stark Law and Gifts Sent to Your Medical Practice
The Stark Law is clear on your medical practice and gifts from referring physicians, patients, and others. Here's what you need to know.
Verifying Patient Health Benefits a Must at Your Medical Practice
Is your medical practice staff taking the few minutes to verify patient benefits? If not, it could cost you thousands of dollars and an aged out A/R.
Weighing Physician Assistant Autonomy in Medical Practice
It hasn't been the easiest road to get to where I am today as a physician assistant, but things have definitely evolved for the better for our profession.
Six Characteristics of ‘High-Performing’ Health Systems
The American Medical Group Association (AMGA) recently defined a “high-performing health system.” Does your health system make the cut?
Medical Practice Embezzlement: Key Accounts to Watch
Want to reduce possible embezzlement and detect fraud at your medical practice? Monitor your various financial accounts closely using these tips.
Qualitative Evaluation Can Help Keep Your Eye on the EHR Ball
Performing a qualitative assessment of your practice's needs is one of the best ways to decide which EHR will provide the best value.
Customer Service in your Medical Practice: Attitude Is Everything
Choose to be thankful for every patient that walks through your door, no matter your role at your medical practice.
Health Literacy Needs a Place in Physicians' Practices
In an emerging era of shared risk and performance-based remuneration, effective patient communication is important to survival and success at your practice.
Avoiding Embezzlement at Your Medical Practice
Here are six strong indications that a physician needs to be concerned about possible embezzlement in a medical practice.
With EHR Use, Computer Literacy Misses the Point
The failure to include medical information science and critical thinking in the medical school curriculum is more a sign of ignorance than of sagacity.
Physicians: Get a Good Look at Practice Operations
Here's how physicians can get eyes into their practices' operations - and fix what's broken.
Future Looks Great for Physician Assistants
As I plan for my retirement, I look at the next generation of physician assistants and what the future looks like for them.
Motivating Your Medical Practice Staff
Contrary to popular belief, money and praise are not the best motivators for medical office staff. Here are examples of effective motivation you can use today.
Make the Most of Patient Education Opportunities at Your Practice
Do you think your patients would rather be educated by their provider or by Dr. WebMD? Make your practice the place patients can go to learn about their healthcare from the person they trust most - you.
Medical Practice Standard Operating Procedures: Expect Exceptions
Wise deviations from standard operating procedures are essential to effective medical office operations.
ICD-10: Next Steps for Physicians' Practices
Sure, ICD-10 implementation is two years away, but there are things your medical practice should start doing today to prepare.
Basic Medical Terms Your Practice Staff Should Know
Proposed DME Prescription Rule Adds More Burdens on Physicians
Physicians and staff may have to spend extra time to reduce the potential of fraud and abuse from durable medical equipment prescriptions.
Managing Medical Practice Staff Workloads
Workload inequity can undermine staff motivation and teamwork. Here's how to balance the load.
Physician Assistants: Recognized, Valued in Healthcare Reform
The ACA is the most visible acceptance and recognition of physician assistants as a full member of the healthcare team, reflecting years of work.
Simple Methods to Reduce No Shows at Your Medical Practice
Here are seven simple things you can do to reduce no-show patients at your medical practice starting today.
Medical Loss Ratio Rebates: Distributing Them Properly
You may be eligible to receive a medical loss ratio rebate from the insurer of your medical practice staff. Here's a guide on how to distribute them properly.
Keeping Medical Practice Staff on Task
Day-to-day operations at your practice can easily get derailed. Here's how to keep staff on track despite possible disruptions.
Selling Your Medical Practice: Initial Steps to Take
The best way to optimize your sales price, no matter what the market conditions are like, is to optimize your operations.
Veterans as Physician Assistants a Win-win for Everyone
Employing veterans to help rectify the domestic primary-care provider shortage is a win-win, but more needs to be done.
Practice Operations Manual: Sample Table of Contents
Not sure where to get started on your medical practice's operations manual? Here's a table of contents to get you started.
How to Reach Out to and Recruit Physicians
Here are three key items every successful physician recruitment outreach strategy should include.
Crisis Management Plans for Medical Practices
An emergency can happen any time at your medical practice, so perhaps now is the best time to have a plan in place and educate staff.